Friday, March 30, 2007

Lonely in Forsythe

A few shots I grabbed while walking through Forsythe Park in Savannah, Ga.

Muslims in America

These are from a photo story I am currently working on about Islam and Muslims in America...

Shades of Desire

Is it a strip club? No, it's a Wednesday night at XS in Gainesville, Fla.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

St. Patrick's Day - Savannah, GA

While walking past Forsythe Park at about 7 in the morning, I ran into an elderly man in golf cart dressed entirely in green and white. I asked him the best place to get breakfast before the parade. He told me that many Irish families had already started serving breakfast, and that they were open to the public. He also told me that they had open bars. The bars opened at 6 in the morning.

Monday, March 5, 2007

SPARTA... Common Grounds in Gainesville, Fla. (March 3, 2007)

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Behind The Glass

Sarah Hinds is a 30-year-old woman with two passions: her family and her glass. She shapes glass with her companion, Sky Campbell, in Gainesville, Fla. and also teaches glass making to others. During the summer, Sarah sells her work at festivals and art shows. In the off-season she shapes glass, teaches elementary school art class and takes care of her family.

With careful, but powerful, breaths Sarah blows into the glass, still searing hot from its time in the kiln. This process takes patience, as one mistake means staring all over.

Lifting a piece of clay that will soon become a totem pole, Sarah instructs first graders at Expressions Learning Arts Academy where she teaches art classes.

Kindergarteners watch in awe as Sarah shows them how to paint the many shades of purple.

Late nights follow long days for Sarah as she and Sky work together in their homemade workshop blowing bowls and other creations in anticipation of the upcoming art season.

Advanced bead-making classes, which take place inside Sarah and Sky’s barn, give older students the opportunity to learn from a passionate teacher.

Using a pair of metal tongs Sarah widens the opening to her glass vessel.

Sarah and Sky’s workshop is large and open to the elements. It houses a couple of kilns (one which they built themselves) as well as all their glass working equipment.

A frustrated Liam Bobbitt waits his turn during class as his classmate, Jupiter Jones, dictates a poem to their teacher.

Dinnertime is family time for Sarah as she holds her son Lotus, 4, and shares a laugh with the others.

Before the lights go out, Sarah crawls in bed with her daughter Lily, 8, and Lotus and reads to them as they fall asleep. Dr. Doolittle is one of the children’s favorites.