Monday, September 1, 2008

Obama In Monroe

here are some of my favs from Barack Obama's speech in Monroe today...


Luanne Dietz said...

Nice seeing buddy.. this might have benefited a little more from more depth of field...Just a thought..

Jeremiah Wilson said...

yeah, i wish i had, but i still like it...its a step in the right photographic direction, if you will

andreita said...

jeremiah! the timing on that first image is ridiculous! that is awesome looking out, brah. i

d like to see some of the images from the fringier parts of the event, if youve got them. speechity speech and flagity flag ive seen.

Jason Henry said...

nice frame with the hand fan, man. Hope you are well!

Jeremiah Wilson said...

thanks guys, im gonna for some better, alt. images and i am doing well i hope you guys are rockin where your at? where are you guys at?

Tom McCarthy Jr. said...

Thumbs up on that first image.